When an industrial operation contributes to the land, it doesn’t just fuel business. It fuels community.

We turn industry waste into a renewable resource to reduce climate impact, reduce costs, and participate in the circular economy.


With a little innovation and some introductions, we’ve solved two problems at once. We’ve sustainably displaced over $300 million of the inorganic fertilizers farmers would have had to order, at debilitating cost, from places like Russia or China. Instead, they sourced a better alternative from local industries. A win-win.

When you deal with the by-products of industry in a way that helps the land and the people who work it, you transform culture and show that your operation is innovative, caring, and environmentally responsible. We have the vantage point to know who needs what, and we can put you into contact with agricultural innovators to make that good news story come to life.

  • We create agriculture assessment programs for managing farm properties

  • We organize and manage data from researchers to develop contracts and manage project protocols, staff, and deadlines

  • We develop 4R programs with provincial departments of agriculture or with federal bodies such as Fertilizer Canada


People notice the effects of how big industrial companies operate. When an organization can tell the story of being a net positive — about how their people care, as stewards of the land — we all feel a sense of pride.

Matching industry by-products with farm needs, our five-step program turns wood ash, biosolids products, gypsum, wood shavings or ash, compost, whey products, digestate, fish organics, and more into high-value raw materials for farming.

We help our clients obtain Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) fertilizer labels for their waste products, and we partner with groups submitting bids for projects that require expertise on beneficial re-use programs. We move waste from the ‘liability’ column to ‘asset’, blending proven science with old-fashioned common sense.


Let’s make the right connections.

“With LP Consulting on the front line, we have transformed our wood ash from a problem to a waiting list of happy farmers. The team’s hard work, dedication and daily energy makes them a pleasure to work with. They’re passionate and dedicated professionals.”

Renee Morais, JD Irving Forestry Products


Industry asks:

  • We might have a useful product for farmland but we don’t know where to start. How do we even know if our waste or by-product can be used on land?

  • We’ve heard of successful programs in other areas with the same by-products as we produce. How can we connect with the right regulatory bodies, businesses, and farmers to make this happen?

  • My company is bidding on a new project but we need to include expertise on beneficial re-use programs. Are there experts who might be able to help us navigate the RFP process to take advantage of this opportunity?

  • Do any of my waste or by-products qualify for scope 3 carbon offsets?